영어자료, 영시

영어 인터뷰 - English Interview

강안개 이대희 2010. 2. 15. 15:35







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영어 인터뷰 Topics


Interview Topic for Elementary School Aug.31, 2009

1) What good habits do you have?

2) What are your worst habits?

3) Are there any habits you want to break?

4) Why do you want to break the habits?

5) Are there any habits you want to get?



Interview Topic for Middle School Aug.31, 2009

1. Do you have any experience of thinking about suicide?

2. What do you think about the people who have committed suicide?

3. If you have a big trouble in life, what will you do to solve the problem?

4. Do you have any special or effective way of relieving stress?

5. What is your worst stressful thing?



Interview Topic for Elementary School Sept. 7, 2009

Topic 17 : Food

1. What is your favorite dish?

2. Do you know how to cook the food?

3. Would you tell me what food you don't like?

4. What food is good for health?

5. Do you know any traditional food of another country?



Interview Topic for Middle School Sept. 7, 2009

Topic 17 : English

1. Do you think English is one of the key factors in our country's development?

2. Why Koreans are still lagging in English education?

3. What do you think about making English an official language in our country?

4. Ordinary Korean people are weak in both spoken and written English. Do you think it's a good idea to make these subjects compulsory in college entrance exams?

5. Do you agree with the government's plan to teach English in elementary school? Do you think it will bring the intended results?



Interview Topic for Elementary School Sept. 14, 2009

Topic 18 : Season

1. Which season is your favorite?

2. Why do you like the season?

3. Do you have any special memory in the season?

4. Which season do you hate?

5. Why do you hate the season?



Interview Topic for Middle School Sept. 14, 2009

Topic 18 : Insomnia (Sleeplessness)

1. Have you ever experienced any insomnia before?

2. What time are you used to going to bed?

3. What do you think is the cause of insomnia?

4. Do you know any good remedies for it?

5. Is an insomnia relative to a nightmare?

6. Do you think dreams are totally opposite to realities?



Interview Topic for Elementary School Sept. 21, 2009

Topic 19 : Jax's Topic Home



Interview Topic for Middle School Sept. 21, 2009

Topic 19 : Jax's Topic Home



Interview Topic for Elementary School Sept. 28, 2009

Topic 20 : Annoying (성가신) Things

1. What annoys you most these days? (요즘 가장 짜증나는 일?)

2. What are some things that annoy you that dont annoy your best friend? (나는 짜증나는데 친한 친구는 짜증내지 않는 것?)

3. Does smoking bother you?

4. What are some things you do that annoy your parents?

5. What are some things you do that annoy your friends?



Interview Topic for Middle School Sept. 28, 2009

Topic 20 : Annoying (성가신) Things

1. Can you think of some things children do that annoy adults around them?

2. How do you inform someone that they are being annoying?

3. Who is the most annoying celebrity? (짜증나는 유명인?)

4. Do you get annoyed when other people display bad manners?

5. What are some things that annoy you that dont annoy your best friend? (나는 짜증나는데 친한 친구는 짜증내지 않는 것?)



Interview Topic for Elementary School Oct. 5, 2009

Topic 21 : Celebrities (유명한 사람)

1. Have you ever seen a celebrity in person?

(직접 유명한 사람 본 적이 있나요?)

2. What did you do?

3. Which celebrity would you like to meet?

4. Why do you admire the celebrity?

5. What would you do if you could spend a day with this person?



Interview Topic for Middle School Oct. 5, 2009

Topic 21 : Celebrities (유명한 사람)

1. Do you think famous people have the right to have a private life?

2. Do you think being a celebrity means the person is intelligent?

3. If you could influence people like a celebrity does, how would you use it for the benefit of the planet?

4. Do you think its moral to sell your private life to the media?

5. What do you think of the paparazzi? (유명인사 쫓아다니는 사진기자)



Interview Topic for Elementary School Oct. 5, 2009

Topic 22 : Classrooms

1. How do you like your classroom? (교실이 맘에 드나요?)

2. Do you think the teacher should assign seats to students?(지정하다)

3. What kind of classroom setting is best for you?

4. Do you enjoy changing classrooms for different classes?

5. Do you think the smart students always sit down in front?



Interview Topic for Middle School Oct. 5, 2009

Topic 22 : Consideration for others

1. Are young people generally more selfish than their parents?

2. Most counties give young people rights as they reach a certain age. For example, Canadians can drink, vote and drive a car when they are 19 years old. Does South Korea have similar laws? Do you think that any of the age limits need changing?

3. Many elderly people have disabilities which limit their mobility. Do buses, shops and public buildings in your country provide easy access for the disable or is your town designed mainly for the able-bodied? Why is this?

4. Should elderly people be expected to pay for residential care out of their own savings or should appropriate accommodations and nursing be provided by the tax payer? Explain your opinion.



Interview Topic for Elementary School Oct. 12, 2009

Topic 23 : Honesty and Truthfulness

1. Do you lie to your parents?


2. When did you lie to them?


3. What did you lie about?


4. Do you like it when other people lie to you?


5. Do you think there are good lies and bad lies? Give an example of each.



Interview Topic for Middle School Oct. 12, 2009

Topic 23 :Honesty and Truthfulness


1.What is the definition of honesty?


2.Why is honesty important?


3.Why is honesty so difficult at times?


4.How do people act when they are untruthful?


5.How can you tell when someone is not telling you the whole truth?


 Give some examples.



Interview Topic for Elementary School Oct. 19, 2009

Topic 24 : Languages


1. What language is spoken the most in your country?


2. Do you have a second language in your country?


3. How many countries do you know that have more than one language?


4. Does your language have words that come from English?


5. Is English important in your country?



Interview Topic for Middle School Oct. 19, 2009

Topic 24 : Languages


1.What’s your least favorite language? Why is this so?


2.What’s the language the people mostly speak in these countries






3.What’s the strangest language you have ever heard? Where did you hear it?


4.What language do your neighboring countries speak? Can you speak any of the languages?


5.What would you do if you had to travel to a country where its people don’t know how to speak neither your language nor English?




Interview Topic for Elementary School Oct. 26, 2009

Topic 25 : Marriage


1. At what age do you want to get married?


2. How old were your parents when they got married?


3. Do you want a big or a small wedding?


4. At what age do most people in your country get married?


5. If you are married, how many children will you have?




Interview Topic for Middle School Oct. 26, 2009

Topic 25 : Love, dating and marriage


1.Describe a perfect date.


2.Describe the appearance of the person you would like to date?


3.Do women usually work after getting married in your country? If so, what jobs do they usually do?


4.Do you believe in love at first sight? Do you think some people know that they will fall in love with someone the first time they meet?


5.Do you know what a "blind date" is? If so, would you ever go on one? Why/why not?




Interview Topic for Elementary School Nov. 2, 2009

Topic 26 : Meeting people


1. Do you enjoy meeting new people?


2. What are some things you shouldn't ask people you just met?


3. Are you nervous when you are introduced to someone new?


4. About how many new people do you meet a week?


5. Is it OK to ask a person's age in your country?




Interview Topic for Middle School Nov. 2, 2009

Topic 26 : Meeting people


1.What are some good things to ask someone you have just met?


2.What are some ways to overcome being nervous about meeting new people?


3.What do you do if you forget the name of someone you’ve just been introduced to?


4.Have you ever experienced being completely wrong in your first impression of someone? How did it change? What happened?




Interview Topic for Elementary School Nov. 9, 2009

Topic 27 : Money and shopping


1. About how much do you usually spend each day?


2. Do you enjoy shopping?


3. Do you ever buy "used things?"


4. Do you sometimes buy things that you don't need?


If so, give some examples.


5. Do you give tips at a restaurant in your country? How about taxi drivers?




Interview Topic for Middle School Nov. 9, 2009

Topic 27 : Money and shopping


1.Are you a price conscious shopper? Give some examples.


2.Are you saving money to buy something? If so, what are you planning to buy? How much will it cost?


3.Do your parents give you an allowance? How much? What do you use it for? How often do they give it to you?


4.How important is money to you? If you had no money, do you think you could still be happy?


5.What was the last thing you bought for yourself? Where did you buy it? Why did you buy it? Do you think you spent your money wisely?




Interview Topic for Elementary School Nov. 16, 2009

Topic 28 : Names


1. What’s the best toy’s name you’ve heard?


2.Do you like your name? Why or why not?

3.What are some of the most common names for boys and girls in your country?

4.Are there any names you really don’t like? If so, what are they?

5.Does your name have a meaning? If so, what does it mean?




Interview Topic for Middle School Nov. 16, 2009

Topic 28 : Names


1.Do you think names shape our personality? To what degree?


2.What do you think of people who name their children after months, seasons or days of the week?


3.Do you think it is okay to give pets human names? What is the most popular name for a dog in Korea?


4.Can you name some famous world leaders?


lFamous composers?

lFamous artists?

lSome Western food?

lSome Eastern food?

lSome cars?

lSome famous companies?


5.Can you name the seven continents? How many U.S. state names do you know? How many Canadian province names do you know?




Interview Topic for Elementary School Nov. 23, 2009

Topic 29 : Restaurants and eating out


1. How often do you eat out?


2. Where do you usually go when you eat out?

3.Who do you usually go with when you eat out?

4.Do you like western food? Japanese? Thai? Italian?

5.Do you ever eat greasy food? Salty? Sweet? Spicy?




Interview Topic for Middle School Nov. 23, 2009

Topic 29 : Restaurants and eating out


1.Do you know how to order food in English? Have you ever done so? If so, was it easy to do so? What did you order?


2.Would you send a dish back if it did not taste good, or you have received the wrong food? Have you ever done so? Is it polite or impolite to do so in Korea?


3.What’s the worst experience you’ve ever had in a restaurant?


4.Do you like eating at buffets? Why or why not? Where was the best buffet you’ve ever eaten at? What kind of food was there?


5.Do you think this area has a good variety of foreign restaurants? What other kinds of restaurants would you like to see opened here in Okdong?




Interview Topic for Elementary School Nov. 30, 2009

Topic 30 : English Study


1. Do you think English is a difficult language to learn?


2.Have you ever spoken English on the phone?

3.How often do you practice your English?

4.What is your favorite way to practice your English?

5.What is the most difficult thing about English?




Interview Topic for Middle School Nov. 30, 2009

Topic 30 : English study


1.Why are you learning English?


2. How long have you been learning it? Will you continue?


3.What do you think you will be able to do in English in the future? How would you use it?


4.Why do people in Korea want to learn English these days?


5.Would you like to learn any other languages? What are other widely spoken languages in the world, other than English?




Interview Topic for Elementary School Dec. 7, 2009

Topic 31 : Free time and Hobbies


1. Do you have enough free time?


2.Do you have much free time in the evenings?

3.What did you do last weekend?

4.What hobbies do you have?

5.Which hobbies are the most expensive in Korea?




Interview Topic for Middle School Dec. 7, 2009

Topic 31 : Free time and hobbies


1.Which hobbies are the most popular in Korea? Have you ever done any of them? Which one did you prefer?


2. Have you developed any new interests lately?


3.Which hobbies are the most popular with women in Korea? And with men?


4.Are there any hobbies you would like to try? Why? Why not? How do you know about them?


5.Are there any hobbies you can do in other countries, but not in Korea? What are they? Are they expensive?




Interview Topic for Elementary School Dec. 14, 2009

Topic 32 : Fears


1. Are you afraid of ghosts? Have you ever seen one?


2.Are you afraid to go to the dentist?

3.Is there any person you are afraid of? Why?

4.What is the scariest movie you have ever seen?

5.Do you ever have nightmares (very bad dreams)? What are they about?



Interview Topic for Middle School Dec. 14, 2009

Topic 32 : Fears


1.Are there any parts of the city where you live which you are afraid to visit after dark? Where are they? Why?


2.Are there certain weather conditions that scare people? What are they? Why do people become scared?


3.Are there any numbers that people are afraid of in Korea? Why? What does the number represent?


4.Do you know anyone with a phobia? What phobia do they have?




Interview Topic for Elementary School Dec. 21, 2009

Topic 33 : Gossip and rumours


1.Do your friends tell stories about you that aren’t true?


2.Have you ever told a story about someone that wasn’t true?

3.What did you say?

4.Did you get in trouble?

5.How did the other person hear about it?




Interview Topic for Middle School Dec. 21, 2009

Topic 33 : Gossip and rumors


1.Do your friends often gossip? Do they ever gossip about you? What do they say?


2.Why do people like to gossip about the rich and the famous?


3.What are some of the things you like to gossip about?


4.Why is it considered that women gossip more than men?


5.Have you ever told a rumor that got someone into trouble? What was it about? Did you feel bad about it when the person got in trouble?




Interview Topic for Elementary School Dec. 28, 2009

Topic 34 : Wishes


1. Do you have a wish right now?



2.What is it about?

3.Do you often wish for things?

4.Do your friends make wishes?

5.What do they usually wish for?




Interview Topic for Middle School Dec. 28, 2009

Topic 34 : Wishes


1.What are three wishes you have for your life? If you could choose only one of these to come true, which would it be and why?


2. What would be some positive and negative consequences if each of these wishes comes true?


3.What other wishes do you have for yourself? What wishes do your parents have for you? Are they the same?


4.Have you ever had a wish come true? Was it what you always wanted?

5.Why do we wish for things we don’t have?




Interview Topic for Elementary School Jan. 4, 2010

Topic 1 : What if…?


1.If a classmate asked you to give him/her the answer to a question during a test, would you give it to him/her?



2.If you could be a super hero, who would you be and why?

3.If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be and why?

4.If you could hear what someone is thinking for a day, who would you choose?

5.If you were a monster, who/what would you be?




Interview Topic for Middle School Jan. 4, 2010

Topic 1 : What if….?


1.If you had only 24 hours to live, what would you do?


2.If the whole world were listening, what would you say?


3.If you bumped your car into another car, but nobody saw you do it, would you leave your name and address?


4.If you could be invisible for a day, what would you do and why?


5.If you didn’t have enough money to get the bus home, what would you do?




Interview Topic for Elementary School Jan. 11, 2010

Topic 2 : Travel


1. Do you prefer summer vacations or winter vacations?



2. What countries would you like to visit? Why?

3.What countries would you not like to visit? Why?

4.What is the most interesting city to visit in your country?

5.Where do you want to go this weekend?




Interview Topic for Middle School Jan. 11, 2010

Topic 2 : Travel


1.Are you planning on going anywhere for your next vacation? If so, where? Who with? How long will you stay? Have you been there before?


2.Describe your best trip.


3.Describe your worst trip.


4.Have you ever been on an airplane? How many times? What airlines have you flown with? Do you have a fear of flying? Do you know of anyone who does?


5.How much luggage do you usually carry? What do you usually pack when you travel? What is the one thing you will always pack when you travel?




Interview Topic for Elementary School Jan. 18, 2010

Topic 3 : Gestures


1. What are some gestures you know?



2. What are some good gestures in your country?

3.What gesture do you use often when you speak?

4.Show me three gestures that you know, and tell me what they mean.




Interview Topic for Middle School Jan. 18, 2010

Topic 3 : Gestures


1.Can you think of some gestures that have different meaning in different countries? Give some examples


2.Has your teacher ever used a hand and/or facial gesture that was OK in the teacher’s country, but an insult in Korea?


3.What are some bad gestures that you have seen in Western films but you don’t know the meaning of?


4.What are some gestures that you used as a child, but you don’t use anymore?


5.What are some gestures that you didn’t learn until you were a teenager?





Interview Topic for Elementary School Jan. 25, 2010

Topic 4 : Happiness


1. What makes you happy?



2. What do you think is the color for happiness?

3. Are you a happy person?

4.What are some things that make you happy?

5.What are some things that make you sad?




Interview Topic for Middle School Jan. 25, 2010

Topic 4 : Happiness


1. What is happiness for you?


2.Do you think that happiness lies within you? Or does it depend upon other people and external things?


3.Can money buy happiness? Why or why not?


4.Is happiness a state of mind? Give examples


5.What are the three most important things for you to be happy?





Interview Topic for Elementary School Feb. 1, 2010

Topic 5 : Television and radio


1. What is your favorite TV channel?



2.What is your favorite television program?

3.Do you think that children watch too much television?

4.Which do you prefer, game shows or talk shows?

5.How often do you watch TV?





Interview Topic for Middle School Feb. 1, 2010

Topic 5 : Television


1. Do you think that the invention of the TV has done more harm than good? If yes, why? If no, why not?


2.Would you say that the TV programs that are shown today are too violent? Do you think the age restrictions on movies are too low?


3.What English TV channels do you watch often? How do you think it has influenced you?


4.Do you think that children watch too much television? What else can children/teenagers do to spend their time?


5.How different would your life be if the TV didn’t exist?





Interview Topic for Elementary School Feb. 8, 2010

Topic 6 : Easy introduction questions


1. How tall are you?



2.Where do you live, and how long have you lived there?

3.What’s your favorite film?

4.How many people live in your home?

5.What kind of music do you like?





Interview Topic for Middle School Feb. 8, 2010

Topic 6 : Age – Youth and old age


1.Are young people generally more selfish than their parents and grandparents? Does age make you more aware of and caring towards others?


2.What do you think is the best age to be? Explain your opinion.


3.Should people of between 50 and 55 be forced to retire to make way for younger workers? Explain the reasons for your answer.


4.In most countries women live an average of five to six years longer than men. Why do you think this is?


5.Many countries are facing the problem of an "aging population". What problems will this cause? What can be done to prepare for this problem?





Interview Topic for Elementary School Feb. 15, 2010

Topic 7 : Age – Young people and old people


1.Who is the oldest person you know?



2. How old is he/she?

3.What age do you think is old?

4.What do old people do for fun in Korea?

5.What do young people do for fun in Korea?





Interview Topic for Middle School Feb. 15, 2010

Topic 7 : Traffic accidents


1.Have you ever seen a traffic accident? What happened? Did anyone get hurt?


2.What kind of safety features in a car would help you if you had a traffic accident?


3.Do you think that cars are safe enough today? What would you add to cars to make them safer?


4.Why do you think there are so many traffic accidents these days, compared to in the past?


5.What can people do to reduce the number of traffic accidents?





Interview Topic for Elementary School Feb. 22, 2010

Topic 8 : Advertising


1. Do you have a favorite commercial?



2.What is it selling?

3.What commercial do you hate? What is it about?

4.Have you ever bought something that was advertised on TV?

5.What makes an advertisement interesting? Is it the colors, the music, or the people?





Interview Topic for Middle School Feb. 22, 2010

Topic 8 : Advertising


1.What makes an advertisement memorable? What is the most shocking advertisement that you have seen?


2.Do you think advertising should be shown during TV programs, or should it be held afterwards? Give reasons for your answer.


3.Why is it necessary to advertise?


4.What do you think is the best way of discovering the tastes and interests of teenage consumers?


5.How easy do you think it is to influence children with advertising? How were you influenced by advertisements when you were younger?





Interview Topic for Elementary School Mar 1, 2010

Topic 9 : Annoying things


1. Which person in your family has a habit that you don’t like? What is this habit?



2. Do you have any habits that annoy your family members? What is it?

3.What annoys you about some of your friends?

4.What is an annoying habit that you have that you would like to change?

5.What are some annoying habits?





Interview Topic for Middle School Mar 1, 2010

Topic 9 : Topic 21: Annoying things


1.What are some new pet peeves you have as a result of recent technology (i.e. cell phone use)?


2.If something is annoying you, what do you usually do?


3.Name some things that children do that annoy adults around them. Did you do any of them when you were younger?


4.Which is more annoying, being caught in the rain without an umbrella, or finding out you don’t have enough money to pay for something you really need?


5.Do you get annoyed when other people display bad manners? Give some examples.

'영어자료, 영시' 카테고리의 다른 글

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