울산 청운고를 졸업하고 현재 KAIST에 재학중인 제자 이지민양의 미국 하버드 대학교 의과대학(Harvard Medical School) 인턴쉽과정 지원 추천서 그리고 자기소개서 영작입니다...
추천서 1
Dear Program director,
I will be pleased to recommend Ms. Jimin Lee for 2010 global leadership program of Massachusetts general hospital. I am a dean of biological science department of Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology. I have been her advisor and have been talking and advising her in many ways. Moreover, she is taking undergraduate research program in my lab. She has an excellent academic achievement as well as great potential for becoming a researcher, which is evident from her CV.
그녀는 연구하는 것을 즐깁니다. 그녀는 현재 나의 Undergraduate research program을 수행하고 있습니다. 그녀는 학부 수업으로 인해 바쁨에도 불구하고, 연구를 재미있어하고 성실히 수행합니다. 계획보다 연구일정이 늦어질 때에는, 밤과 주말을 이용하여서라도 연구를 진행하고, 실수를 하여 결과가 원하는 대로 나오지 않더라도 기죽지 않고 성공할 때까지 시도하는 끈기를 가졌습니다. 따라서 어떤 힘든 일이 있더라도 그녀는 연구하고 공부하는 일을 포기하지 않을 것입니다.
She is also confident and passionate. Whenever I talked her about her future career, I got the strong impression that she has a deep faith in herself and definite goals for her life as a biologist. Her confidence comes from her diligence and devotion. She always does her best at all things like preparing periodical exams and carrying out extracurricular activities. She often asks questions about the problems that she cannot understand during the class. It is very obvious that she makes an extra effort to understand biological phenomena in a deeper level. With all these, she has been one of the best students in her class.
Beside her academic achievement and her drive, Ms. Lee is a well-integrated person. When I first came to know her, I noticed that she is very positive and outgoing, and loves people around her. She tries to treat people with kindness and consideration. She has been active in teaching middle and high school students as well as fellow college students. I also found out that she is very talented in both art and music. It is quite amazing that she successfully manages both learning and extracurricular activities. I think she is a real energizer.
그녀는 현재 나의 랩에서 undergraduate research program을 통해 Ph.D Sungtae Hong와 함께“the search of TCTP signal transport gene for regulation of cell growth”를 연구하고 있습니다. Teaching assistant인 Dr.Hong의 도움으로 Ms.Lee는 candidate protein 11개중, 3개 protein에 대하여 dTCTP와 interaction 여부를 검증하고 있습니다. 현재 in vitro 실험을 완료되었으며 곧 yeast와 drosophila 내에서 interaction을 검증 할 것으로 기대하고 있습니다.
In summary, I can confidently say that Ms. Lee is a right person for your program. She will be a good student assistant in your labs and, with that experience, she will be able to become one of the future female leaders in Korea. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions.
Sincerely Yours,
Kwang wook Choi, Ph.D
Associate Professor
Kyungok Cho
Dear Program Director,
I am pleased to recommend Ms. Jimin Lee for 2010 global leadership program of Massachusetts general hospital. I am the dean of biological science department of Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology. I have been her advisor and have been talking and advising her in many ways. Moreover, she is taking undergraduate research program in my lab. She has an excellent academic achievement as well as a great potential for becoming a researcher, which is evident from her CV.
She enjoys researching. She is performing my undergraduate research program at present. Though she is busy with undergraduate classes, she is interested in the research and performing it diligently. When the research program is delayed behind the schedule, she is willing to perform the research, availing herself of the small hours and weekends.
Therefore she will never give up her research and study even if there are any difficulties.
She is also very confident and passionate. Whenever I talked with her about her future career, I got the strong impression that she has a deep faith in herself and definite goals for her life as a biologist. Her confidence comes from her diligence and devotion. She always does her best in all tasks like preparing for periodical exams and carrying out extracurricular activities. She often asks questions about the problems that she cannot understand during the classes. It is very obvious that she makes an extra effort to understand biological phenomena in a deeper level. With these traits, she has been one of the best students in her class.
Besides her academic achievement and her drive, Ms. Lee is a well-integrated person. When I first came to know her, I noticed that she is very positive and outgoing, and loves people around her. She tries to treat people with kindness and consideration. She has been active in teaching middle and high school students as well as fellow college students. I also found out that she is very talented in both art and music. It is quite amazing that she successfully manages both learning and extracurricular activities. I think she is a real energizer.
At present, she is performing the search of TCTP signal transport gene for regulation of cell growth with Ph.D Sungtae Hong through undergraduate research program at my Lab. Ms. Lee is testing dTCTP and interaction of 3 proteins out of 11 candidate proteins with the help of the teaching assistant, Dr. Hong. Now, she has finished in vitro test and she is expected to test the interaction of yeast and drosophila sooner or late.
In summary, I can confidently recommend that Ms. Lee is a right person for your program. She will be a good student assistant in your lab and with the experience, she will be able to become one of the future female leaders in Korea.
Please, feel free to contact me if you have any questions.
Sincerely Yours,
Kwang wook Choi, Ph.D
Associate Professor
Kyungok Cho
Dear professor,
It’s my pleasure to write a letter in support of Jimin Lee who is applying for internship program of Massachusetts general hospital. I have done postdoctoral training Charles Yanofsky’s lab from1980 to 1986, studying efficient gene expression. Now I have my own laboratory at Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology since 2008. Jimin is a undergraduate student of Choi kwangwook’s laboratory (undergraduate research program), which is located in the next door of my laboratory. Since Dr. Choi is one of my best friends and Dr. Choi’s lab and mine have collaborated on several scientific occations, I have had many chances to talk to Jimin.
She is diligent and has a strong work ethic. She works very hard. I have seen her working on weekend in laboratory. 또한 그녀는 열정적으로 biological science를 공부합니다. 수업을 듣고 이해가 되지 않는 부분에 대하여 질문을 하고 수업과 관련된 다양한 가능성에 대하여 search합니다.
Ms. Lee 는 biological science와 다른 학문의 결합에 관심이 많습니다. 그녀는 biological science를 열정적으로 공부함과 동시에 전자, 수학과목에 관심에 많아 다양한 전공 수업을 이수하였습니다. 그녀는 항상 생물과 다른 학문의 융합으로 인한 시너지 효과에 대하여 생각하고 토론하기를 좋아합니다. 그래서 그녀와 이야기 할 때마다 A.I.와 사람의 뇌에 대한 차이점, 세포간의 네트워크와 컴퓨터 네트워크의 유사점을 고심할 수 있는 넓은 사고를 느꼈습니다. 따라서 그녀는 빛과 인간을 함께 연구하는 wellman center의 internship에서 누구보다 많은 것을 배울 수 있을 것입니다.
또한 그녀는 적응력이 뛰어납니다. 먼저 그녀는 주변 사람을 사랑하고 항상 감사할 줄 아는 학생입니다. 처음 그녀가 research를 시작하였을 때가 기억이 많이 납니다. 그녀는 낯설고 본인이 막내임에도 불구하고 뛰어난 친화력으로 laboratory의 일원이 되었습니다. 또한 새로운 지식과 학문에 대한 적응력도 뛰어납니다. 다소 낯선 실험일지라도 금새 배워 익숙하게 잘 수행합니다. 따라서 internship기간이 비록 짧지만 쉽게 적응하여 그녀가 원하는 바를 배워올 것으로 기대합니다.
Overall, I think that Ms.Lee has good potential to be a successful scientist. Imortantly, she is now great institute as KAIST, and in a great training environment as a member of Dr. Choi and my group which is one of the best Drosophila genetics laboratory. Support from your foundation will greatly facilitate her success.
Thank you.
Kyungok Cho, Ph.D
Dear professor,
It’s my pleasure to write a letter in support of Jimin Lee who is applying for the internship program of Massachusetts general hospital. I have done post doctoral training Charles Yanofsky’s lab from1980 to 1986, studying efficient gene expression. Now I have my own laboratory at Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology since 2008.
Jimin is a undergraduate student of Choi kwangwook’s laboratory (undergraduate research program), which is located in the next door of my laboratory. Since Dr. Choi is one of my best friends and Dr. Choi’s lab have collaborated with mine on several scientific projects, I have had many chances to talk to Jimin.
She is very diligent and has a strong work ethic. She works very hard. I have seen her working on weekends in laboratory. Besides, she is studying biological science with great enthusiasm. She nerver fails to ask questions about the unclear parts of her lessons after classes and she is willing to search the various possibilities related to the classes.
Ms. Lee is very interested in the combing biological science and other sciences. She has been studying biological science with zeal. At the same time, she has completed various major classes, being interested in electronics and mathematics. She always enjoys discussing the synergy effect of fusing biological science and other sciences.
Whenever I talked with her, I realized her wide thought scope taking pains to differentiate the brains of A.I. and those of humans and to find the similarities of the networks of human cells and those of computers.
On the bases of all the above facts, I am sure that she will learn more than any other student in the internship of Wellman Center which studies light and humans.
She is also very adaptable to the new surroundings. First of all, she loves all the people around her and feels grateful. I have many good memories about her when she began her research. Though she was youngest and unfamiliar, she soon became one of the laboratory members with her excellent friendship.
She also has great adaptability toward new knowledge and science. Though some new tests are unfamiliar to her, she learns them at once and performs efficiently. Therefore I expect that she will easily adapt herself to the new settings and learn what she is expecting, though the internship is short.
Overall, I think that Ms. Lee has a great potential to be a successful scientist. Importantly, she is now with such a great institute as KAIST, and in a great training environment as a member of Dr. Choi's and my group which is one of the best Drosophila genetics laboratory. Support from your foundation will greatly facilitate her success.
Thank you.
Sincerely Yours,
Kyungok Cho, Ph.D
나는 kaist에서 biological science를 전공으로 현재 research 를 진행중인 undergraduate student이다. 그러나 biological science뿐만 아니라 electronic engineer에 관심이 많아 c++, JAVA, 그리고 digital logic, discrete mathematics을 공부한 바 있다. 이렇게 다양한 공부를 하면서도 biological science 를 전공하는 학생으로서 기본적인molecular biology, biochemistry, the cell을 이수하였는데 그 중 the cell 수업에서 배운 molecular signaling은 signaling의 오류로 인한 다양한 질병과 치유법을 고려해볼수 있는 base를 만들어 주었다.
그 중 특히 나의 관심을 매우 잡아 당기는 것이 있었다. 그것은 NO가 인체의 혈관을 dilation(확장)하는 signal로서, 결과적으로는 인체의 필요에 따라 혈관을 굵게, 혹은 많게 증폭시킨다는 사실이었다. 이것이 내 관심을 끈 이유는 내가 선천적으로 nevus flammeus를 가지고 있기 때문이다. 어려서 nevus flammeus에 대해서 스스로 관심을 가지지 않으려고 했었고, 덕분에 크게 스트레스를 받지 않았다. 그러나 cell signaling에 대하여 배울수록 내가 가지고 있는 질병이 nitric oxide signal과 관련이 있지 않은가 하는 의문이 들어 논문과 미국피부과학회지, 그리고 Dermatologic times 등을 찾아보게 되었다. 나의 질병의 원인은 정확하게 밝혀지지는 않았고, NO signaling은 acetylcholine에 의하여 정상세포에서 일어나는 혈관벽확장 signaling 일뿐 내 질병과 관련이 있다는 논문은 찾을 수 없었다. 그렇지만 미래에 내가 공부하고 싶은 분야인 photomedicine에 대해서 알게 되고, 지금까지 photomedicine이 이룬 업적을 알수 있는 논문을 많이 읽어보게 되었다. 논문을 통해 photomedicine 연구분야에 대하여 공부한 것은 이번 internship에서 더욱 심도있는 경험을 할수 있게 하는 기반이 될 것이다.
지금까지 kaist에서 biological science를 전공으로 공부하였다. 그러나 보다 사람들에게 가까운 학문을 공부하고 싶어졌다. 내가 혼자 사는 것이 아니라 모두와 더불어 살아가는데, 내가 공부하는 것은 인간과는 다소 동떨어져 있다고 느껴졌기 때문이다. 따라서 학부 시절에 배운 biological sceience를 기반으로 의학전문대학원을 진학할 것이다. 의학전문대학원에서 피부과를 전공하여, 전공의 과정 중에 미국 최고의 연구소에서 연수과정을 거쳐 우리나라의 의학계를 이끄는 리더가 되고 싶다. 다시 말해, 우리나라 피부과 의학계를 이끄는 교수가 되기 위하여 wellman centerd와 같은 훌륭한 연구실에 교환연수를 다녀올 것인데, 이번 internship이 소중한 경험이 되어 나의 꿈이 실현되는데 큰 도움이 될 것이다.
2) 너의 현재의 과학, 연구적 관심에 대하여 서술하시오, 또한 이번 인턴쉽을 통해 가고 싶은 특정 랩에 대하여 서술하시오
생물에 관심이 있어 KAIST에서 생명과학과에 진학 후, 학문을 배우던 도중에 나는 NO가 인체의 혈관을 dilation하는 signal이라는 것을 Cell biology 시간에 접하게 되었다. 나는 이 문장을 읽던 기억이 아주 선명하게 기억난다. 그 이유는 내가 혈관 확장과 관련된 질병을 가지고 있기 때문이다. 나는 선천적으로 왼팔에 nevus flammeus를 가지고 있다. 따라서 어렸을 때부터 내 팔에는 정상보다 많이 확장된 혈관이 많다는 이야기를 의사에게 들었다. 따라서 나는 생물을 전공하면서 항상 혈관 형성을 억제 혹은 확장 시키는 signal에 관해 관심이 있었고, 내가 Cell biology 시간에 그 문장을 봤을 때 다른 어떤 것보다 더 흥미를 갖게 되었던 것이다. 그리고 이것에 그치지 않고 관련된 논문을 자주 찾아보게 되었다.
한편 혈관 확장과 관련하여 많은 이론적 배경을 알게 되니, 이제는 혈관의 과다 확장으로 인해 생긴 많은 질병들의 실제 치료, 즉 clinic 적인 접근이 궁금해졌다. 특히 내가 실제 그런 질병이 있고, 이 병을 치료하기 위해 정기적으로 피부과를 다니기 때문에 clinic적 치료법에 관심이 가는 것은 당연한 관심이었다. 내가 다니는 피부과에서 laser를 통해 치료를 했기 때문에, 나는 laser를 이용한 nevus flammeus 치료와 관련된 논문을 search하게 되었고, harvard medical school의 Anderson RR 교수님이 그 분야의 선두주자라는 것을 알게 되었다. 특히 나는 Anderson 교수님이 Informa에 publish한 “Treatment endpoints for resistant port wine stains with a 755 nm laser” 와 Interscience publish “Treatment of hypertrophic and resistant port wine stains with a 755nm laser: A case series of 20 patients” 논문이 특히 인상깊었다. 전자는 755nm laser로 PWS를 치료하는 원리에 대해 서술한 논문이었고, 후자는 755nm laser인 pulsed dye laser를 이용해 실제 환자를 치료한 임상실험에 관한 논문이었다. 이 두 논문을 읽은 나는 photomedicine이라는 새로운 학문 분야를 자연스럽게 접하게 되었고, 또 이 분야에 흠뻑 빠지게 되었다.
photomedicine이라는 새로 알게된 분야에 점점 빠져들게 되면서, 나는 진로에 대한 큰 방향을 잡게 되었다. 그래서 나는 유학을 결심했고, photomedicine 연구 중심에 있는 Anderson RR 교수님 Lab에 진학하여, 앞으로의 나의 연구를 계속할 계획이었다. 그러던 도중 정말 천운이 나에게 찾아왔다. 이번 프로그램을 통해 R. Rox Anderson 교수님 lab에 인턴을 경험할 수 있다는 것을 았았던 것이다. 따라서 나는 뒤도 안돌아보고 이번 프로그램에 지원을 하게 되었다.
나는 Wellman Center에 계신 R. Rox anderson 교수님 lab에서 인턴을 하고 싶다. R. Rox Anderson은 photomedicine을 통해 birthmarks, microvascular and pigmented lesions, tattoo and permanent hair removal을 치료할뿐만이 아니라 he has also contributed to treatment for vocal cords, kidney stones, glaucoma, heart disease, photodynamic therapy for cancer and acne, and optical diagnostics. 이러한 그의 연구방향은 내가 현재 매료된 분야이다. 또한 그가 가진 human skin photobiology, drug photosensitization mechanisms, tissue optics, and laser-tissue interactions에 대한 지식은 내가 후에 공부하고 싶은 분야와 일맥상통하는 분야가 많다. 따라서 이번 internship은 내가 관심을 가지고 있는 photomedicine에 대한 연구경험을 쌓게 해 줄 뿐만이 아니라, 이후 내 공부 방향의 지침돌이 될수 있을 것이라고 기대한다.
3) 이 프로그램에 지원하는 이유/목적을 서술하시오
The Wellman Center for Photomedicine at Massachusetts General Hospital is the world’s largest academic research facility dedicated to investigating the effects of light on human biology and to the development of light-mediated, minimally invasive diagnostic and therapeutic technologies. A pioneer in light-based biomedical research, the Center has been the source of many of the most successful transfers of this research to clinical applications.
이러한 wellman center에서 internship에서 intership을 수행함으로써 내가 얻을 수 있는점은 다양하다.
먼저, 내가 관심을 가지고 있는 분야인 photomedicine의 연구를 직접 경험할 기회가 된다. 한국에서는 아직 photomedicine에 대한 연구를 볼 수 없을 뿐만이 아니라 그 이외의 기초의학의 연구도 적다. 따라서 이번 internship을 통해 나의 관심사인 photomedicine을 배울수 있고, 향후 연구원으로서 한국에서는 이루어 지지 않았던 새로운 분야를 개척하는데 좋은 기반이 될 것이다. 이렇게 기초의학에 대한 첫 경험을 할 수 있을 뿐만이 아니라 biology와 다른 학문의 결합을 경험할 수 있다. Biological science를 전공하는 학부생으로서 biology에 대한 공부는 많이 하고 있지만 다른 학문과 어떻게 결합할 수 있는지, 그리고 다른 학문과의 만남으로 이룰수 있는 성과가 얼마나 무궁무진한지를 photomedicine의 연구를 통해 깨달을 수 있을 것으로 기대한다. 따라서 internship을 통해 미래에 biology를 연구할 학생으로서 biology에 국한되지 않고 넓은 안목을 가질수 있게 해 주는 힘을 배울 것이다.
둘째로 세계 최고의 교육기관에서 나의 위치를 파악해 볼 것이다. 나는 지금까지 한국에서 최고의 생명과학교육을 받아왔다. 그러나 세계의 최고는 아직 경험해 보지 못하였다. 내가 우물안의 개구리가 되지 않게 하고, 세계의 최고라고 인정받는 wellman center에서 연구하고 공부하는 학생들에게 동기부여를 받을 수 있을 것이다. 따라서 한국에서 이공계의 최고인 kaist에 국한되지 않고 세계 최고로 나아갈 수 있는 자극이 될 것이다.
셋째, photomedicine의 최고봉인 R. Rox Anderson 교수님을 포함하여 다양한 리더들을 만나 보는 기회가 될 것이다. 누구보다 photomedicine에 대하여 잘 알고, 훌륭한 연구를 수행하고 있는 최고의 석학 아래 photomedicine에 대하여 가장 정확하고 최신의 연구를 배울 수 있다. Publish된 논문을 읽음으로서 얻는 지식만이 아니라 현재 어떠한 연구가 얼마나 진행되었는지 직접 보고 배울수 있다. 또한 세계최고의 석학이 되기까지 그들의 노력과 인생에 대한 마음가짐을 배울 수 있다. 큰 세상에서 최고라고 불리는 자들은 그렇게 되기까지 다른 사람과 다른 점들이 있다. 나는 최고의 연구진들로부터 인생에 대한 태도, 연구에 대한 마음가짐과 같이 세계최고가 되기 위한 정신을 배워 올 것이다.
넷째, 개인적으로 세계 최고의 대학인 하버드대학교, MIT와 그에 따른 수많은 연구진이 모여있는 boston의 학구적인 분위기를 느끼고 싶다. 관광으로는 왜 boston의 학문의 메카인지 느끼지 못한다. 직접 그 속의 연구실에서 생활하며 선진문화를 배울 것이다.
이번 internship은 나에게 아주 중요하고 큰 경험이 될 것이다. 더불어 질병없는 인간의 삶에 기여하기 위해 wellman center가 하고 있는 basic research(빛이 어떻게 분자, 세포, 유기체(organism), 사람과 interact하는지에 대한 조사), technology development(새로운 therapeutic and diagnostic tool에 대한 design), translational research(bringing basic research to the stage of practical, clinical applications)에 대한 나의 이해도 높아 질 것으로 기대한다.
4) 너가 이 프로그램에 참가할수 있는 자격에 대하여 말하시오. 연구 경험이 있다면 교수와 랩의 이름, 참여 기간, 연구 목적, 그러고 너의 정확한 연구에서의 역할을 밝히시오. 또한 너가 받은 상을 설명하시오.
나는 이번 internship에 지원하기 위하여 먼저 undergraduate research program에 지원하여 합격하였다. 그리하여 현재 최광욱 교수님의 developmental genetics laboratory에서 연구를 수행하고 있다. 이번에 수행하는 undergraduate research program 은 12월 28일부터6개월간 이루어 질 계획으로 진행되고 있다. 따라서 internship이 시작하기 전에 laboratory에서의 충분한 경험이 되어 internship에서 훌륭하게 연구를 수행할 밑거름이 될 것이다.
내가 수행 중인 연구는 “the search of TCTP signal transport gene for regulation of cell growth”이다. 이 연구주제는 최광욱교수님이 이전에 수행한 연구에서 발전된 것이다. 최광욱 교수님은 이전의 연구에서 drosophila TCTP 가 세포성장조절에 필요한 TOR(target of tapamycin) signaling을 활성화 하는데 중요함을 밝혔다. TCTP functions as a GEF to activate Rheb GTPase, and the inhibition of TCTP function strongly suppresses over growth. Thus, I hypothesize that peptide ligands that bind TCTP may block the interaction between TCTP and Rheb may block the interaction between TCTP and Rheb may act as anti-TSC agents The goal of this progect is to develop specific peptide antagonists that inhibit the interaction between TCTP and Rheb, thereby suppressing tuberous sclerosis.
이와 같은 연구는 최광욱 교수님 랩에서 연구를 진행중인 postdoctoral fellow Hong sung tea와 함께 진행하고 있다. 내가 수행중인 연구는Postdoctoral fellow Hong sung tea가 수행하고 있는 연구의 일부이다. Postdoctoral fellow Hong sung tea는 TCTP와 interaction을 하는 haptamer peptide 의 후보 11개를 찾아 그중 interation이 강한 7개의 peptide를 대상으로 연구중이다. 그러나 나는 program의 기간이 한정적인 관계로 7개의 peptide중 2개의 peptide를 선택하여 연구를 진행하고 있으며 현재, in vitro interaction이 확인 되었고 이후 yeast와 drosophila를 이용하여 in vivo실험을 수행할 것이다.
이번 연구를 통하여 실험을 설계하고 수행하는 방법을 숙지하고, 정기 curriculum experiment 이외의 실험 경험을 쌓고 있다. 이러한 경험들은 이번에 지원하는 internship에서 연구를 배우고 진행하는 데에 크게 도움이 될 것이다.
5) 자원봉사에 대한 경험과 관심도, 기부, 리더쉽 활동에 대하여 서술하여라.
대학진학 전부터 봉사 동아리 회장을 맡아 꾸준한 봉사활동을 해왔고, 대학에 진학 후에는 나눔을 필요로 하는 사람들, 특히 어르신들과 직접적인 감정교류를 하고 싶어서 “함께하는 사람들 울산중구노인복지센터”에 4년째 다니고 있다. 독거노인 말벗, 독거노인생활지원, 또는 일자리 지원사업, 도시락배달 등의 자원봉사를 하면서 “함께 사는법”을 배웠다.
복지센터 소장님의 권유로 조손가정 학생의 멘토링 자원봉사를 시작하였다. 멘토란, 본인이 본보기가 되어 멘티를 잘 이끌고 지지해주어야 할 텐데 내가 그 자격이 있는지 고민도 되고, 아이의 인생 고민을 나누게 되는듯한 부담도 느꼈었지만, 나의 경험을 나누어 줄수 있고 멘티가 미래에 대한 꿈을 가지게 해 줄 수만 있어도 좋겠다는 생각으로 멘토가 되기로 결심하였다. 처음 방문을 하였을 때, 동수는 수줍음이 많은 아이였지만 전화통화, 문자대화, 같이 영화보기, 식사하기를 통해 대화를 할 수 있게 되었고 이제는 눈을 맞추며 서로의 고민을 이야기 하는 사이가 되었다. 내가 세상에게 받은 많은 사랑과 경험을 그 친구에게 나누어 줄수 있다는 사실이 기뻤다. 또한 멘토는 자신의 경험을 주기만 하는 것이 아니라, 대화를 통해 멘티에게서 많은 것을 배울수 있다는 것을 깨달았다. 이후에 내가 나온 학교뿐만이 아니라 이번에 지원하는 internship, 그리고 향후 내가 겪는 소중한 경험을 후배들과 꼭 나누어야 겠다는 결심을 하였다.
또한 나는 2009년 6월부터 kaist에서 받는 장학금의 일부를 Plan Korea룰 통해 빈민국의 어린이에게 기부하고 있다. 하루 1달러로 어린이에게 깨끗한 물과 식량, 그리고 포근한 잠자리를 제공할 수 있는 것이다. 지금은 비록 학생 신분이라 큰 기부는 하지 못하지만, 내가 보내는 하루 1달러가 생명을 구한다는 사실이 행복하게 느껴졌다. 또한 후에 내가 번 돈으로 더욱 많은 어린이들을 도울 것이다.
돕는다는 것은 시간이나 돈이 있어서 하는 것이 아니라 일상생활처럼 자연스럽과 평범한 일이다. 이웃을 위해 새로 상을 차리는 것이 아닌 내 밥상에 숟가락을 하나 더 놓는 일과 같은 것이다. 그동안 자원봉사 하는 사람들을 보면 대부분 넉넉해서 돕는 것이 아니라 부족해도 적게나마 함께 나누고 샆은 마음으로 실천함을 느꼈고 그런 모습에서 아름다움을 발견하였다. 베풂은 여유가 아니라 상대를 생각하는 마음에서 오는 것이기 때문이다. 그 아름다운 마음은 상대방을 지키는 것이면서 스스로를 지키는 것이다.
또한 나는 프로젝트를 진행할 때 내가 전반적인 계획을 짜서 일을 진행하는 타입이다. 다음은 내가 리더로 활동하고 성공적으로 수행한 프로젝트, CLUB, STUDY GROUP의 내용과 활동기간, 활동 인원이다.
생명공학개론 수업의 project about biofuel, 3month, 5people
한국과학사 수업의 project about 에밀레종과 주조, 3month, 9 people
카메라 동호회, 1month, 13 people
Study group for English speaking, 2 month, 5 people
이러한 활동을 통하여 자주적이고 주도적으로 일을 추진하는 능력을 배웠고, 이러한 점은 이번 internship을 성공적으로 수행하는데 도움이 될 것이다.
Your academic background and career plan:
Feb 2007 – Present KAIST, Republic of Korea
n Undergraduate Student
n Class of Biology :
Molecular Biology
Biochemistry Experiment
The cell
Introduction to Bio Engineering Genetics (this semester)
Physical Chemistry for the Biosciences (this semester)
Genetic & Cell Experiment (this semester)
n Research: Experience Design, Problem Solving, Collaborative learning, Knowledge management
(under way at present)
I am an undergraduate student majoring in biological science at Kaist and participating in a research at present.
Besides biological science, I have studied c++, JAVA, digital logic, and discrete mathematics with the interest in electronic engineer.
While I have been studying these various subjects, I have also completed the basic molecular biology, biochemistry, and the cell as a major in biological science.
I have got the base to consider curing the various diseases caused by signaling errors through molecular signaling learned at the cell classes.
One of those particularly attracted my interest.
It is the fact that NO makes blood vessels thick or increase according to the needs of human body as signal to dilate human blood vessels.
The reason why this attracted my interest is that I have had nevus flammeus since I was born.
I tried not to pay attention to my nevus flammeus, and so I didn’t have big stress.
But the more I have learned about cell signaling, the more I have wondered whether my disease is related to nitric oxide signal. Therefore I have read through theses, the journals of American Dermatology Society, Dermatologic Times and so on.
I could not find out the exact cause of my disease. I couldn’t find any theses which assert NO signaling is related to my disease. The theses say that NO signaling is just the signaling blood vessel dilation in the normal cell by acetylcholine.
But through the efforts, I have learned about photomedicine which I would like to study in the future and I have read many theses on photomedicine.
I believe that my learning on photomedicine through theses will be the base for the further study at the internship.
I have studied biological science at kaist as my major.
But I have realized that I want to study the science closer to humans.
That’s because I have felt that my majoring subjects are rather apart from humans, in spite of the fact that we all live together.
So I would like to study at medical college on the basis of biological science which I learned at the undergraduate college.
I would like to major in dermatology at medical college and to become a leading scientist through studying at an American prestigious institute.
In other words, I have a plan to study at a great laboratory such as Wellman Center to become a leading dermatologist. I firmly believe that this precious internship experience will be very helpful to realize my dream.
2) 너의 현재의 과학, 연구적 관심에 대하여 서술하시오, 또한 이번 인턴쉽을 통해 가고 싶은 특정 랩에 대하여 서술하시오
I chose biological science as my major at kaist, because I was interested in biology. I learned that NO is the signal to dilate human blood vessels at Cell Biology classes.
I can clearly remember the moment I read it.
The reason is that I have an inborn disease related to blood vessel dilation.
I have an innate nevus flammeus on my left arm.
Therefore, since I was young, I have heard from doctors that I have more dilated blood vessels than normal on my left arm.
I have always been interested in the signal to control blood vessels or dilate them while studying my major, biology.
When I read the sentence during Cell Biology class, it attracted my interest more than anything else.
I have read related theses since then.
After I learned many theoretical backgrounds on blood vessel dilation, my interest moved to the practical treatment of the diseases caused by excessive blood vessel dilation.
The interest was quite natural because I have had actually the disease and visited a dermatologist periodically.
I have searched theses related to nevus flammeus treatment using laser because I was treated with laser at the dermatologist’s.
Meanwhile I learned that Professor Anderson RR at Harvard Medical School is a leading scientist in this field.
Especially, I was deeply impressed by his two theses: “Treatment endpoints for resistant port wine stains with a 755 nm laser” published in Informa and “Treatment of hypertrophic and resistant port wine stains with a 755nm laser: A case series of 20 patients” published in Interscience.
The former was a thesis on the principal treating PWS using 755nm laser and the latter was on clinical demonstration treating patients using 755nm laser pulsed dye laser.
I naturally learned a new academic field called photomedicine after I read these two theses.
I became fascinated by this field.
I have made up my mind for my life course, being immersed in this new field, photomedicine.
I decided to study abroad and I made a plan to study at Professor Anderson RR’s Lab who is in the very center of photomedicine study.
I could not conceal my pleasure when I knew that I will be able to experience the internship at Professor Anderson RR’s Lab through this program.
So I decided to apply for this program without a moment’s hesitation.
I would like to have the opportunity to experience the
Professor Anderson RR’s Lab.
Professor R. Rox Anderson has not only cured birthmarks, microvascular and pigmented lesions, tattoo and permanent hair removal, but also contributed to treatment for vocal cords, kidney stones, glaucoma, heart disease, photodynamic therapy for cancer and acne, and optical diagnostics.
The direction of his study is the field by which I am attracted now.
Besides, his knowledge on human skin photobiology, drug photosensitization mechanisms, tissue optics, and laser-tissue interactions is in line with my future study.
Therefore, I expect that this internship will give me the cornerstone of my future study as well as research experience on my interested field, photomedicine.
3) 이 프로그램에 지원하는 이유/목적을 서술하시오
The Wellman Center for Photomedicine at Massachusetts General Hospital is the world’s largest academic research facility dedicated to investigating the effects of light on human biology and to the development of light-mediated, minimally invasive diagnostic and therapeutic technologies.
A pioneer in light-based biomedical research, the Center has been the source of many of the most successful transfers of this research to clinical applications.
I can get many merits by performing the internship at Wellman Center.
First, through the internship, I will be able to directly experience my interested field, photomedicine.
There has been no study result on photomedicine in Korea yet and studies on basic medical studies are few.
Through this internship, I can learn about photomedicine which is my interested field.
I can contribute to put the cornerstone for the new field in Korea as a researcher.
Thus I can experience the combination of biology and other science as well as the first encounter of the basic medicine.
Though I study biology very hard as an undergraduate student majoring in biological science, I am also interested in how it can be combined with other sciences.
I also expect that the results of the combination will be limitless by studying photomedicine.
Consequently, I can widen my prospective as a biologist which is not confined within biology through this internship.
Second, I would like to have the chance to locate my position at the heart of the world best educational institute.
So far, I have received the best bioscience education in Korea.
But I have yet to experience the world best bioscience education
When I get motivation in the middle of the world best students at Wellman Center, I will not stay as a big frog in a little pool.
Accordingly, it will give me a good stimulus to become one of the world bests, getting out of kaist which is the best science and engineering education in Korea.
Third, this internship will give me a good opportunity to meet various academic leaders on photomedicine including Professor R. Rox Anderson.
I can learn the latest and exact research about photomedicine under the most distinguished scholar who knows photomedicine more than anyone else in the world.
I can learn directly how far the research has been advanced, participating in the center not by just reading the published theses indirectly.
I can also learn their efforts and attitude to become the most distinguished scholars in the world.
I have realized that the world best people have lived quite different lives from others.
Forth, I would like to feel the academic atmosphere in Boston where the world best Harvard University, MIT and many other institutes have congregated.
Tourists can not feel why Boston is the academic Mecca.
I would like to learn the advanced culture by living in the laboratory myself.
This internship will be an important and wonderful gift for my life.
In order to make contribution to make disease free human life, I will also have better understanding about Wellman Center’s basic research how light interact among molecule, cell, organism and humans, the technology development which designs new therapeutic and diagnostic tool, and translational research which brings basic research to the stage of practical, clinical applications.
4) 너가 이 프로그램에 참가할수 있는 자격에 대하여 말하시오. 연구 경험이 있다면 교수와 랩의 이름, 참여 기간, 연구 목적, 그러고 너의 정확한 연구에서의 역할을 밝히시오. 또한 너가 받은 상을 설명하시오.
I passed the undergraduate research program in order to apply for this internship.
Thus, I am performing research at Professor Gwangwook, Choi’s developmental genetics laboratory.
This undergraduate research program is supposed to continue for 6 months from December 28, 2009.
This laboratory experience will be a good base for the internship.
The research which I am performing is “the search of TCTP signal transport gene for regulation of cell growth.”
This research subject comes from Professor Gwangwook, Choi’s earlier research.
Professor Gwangwook, Choi revealed in his earlier research that drosophila TCTP plays am important role in activating TOR (target of tapamycin) signaling.
TCTP functions as a GEF to activate Rheb GTPase, and the inhibition of TCTP function strongly suppresses over growth. Thus, I hypothesize that peptide ligands which are combined with TCTP may block the interaction between TCTP and Rheb. So peptide may act as anti-TSC agents. The goal of this project is to develop specific peptide antagonists that inhibit the interaction between TCTP and Rheb, thereby suppressing tuberous sclerosis.
This research is being performed at the same time with postdoctoral fellow Hong sung tea at Professor Gwangwook, Choi’s laboratory.
The research I am performing now is a part of the research performed by Postdoctoral fellow Hong sung tea.
Postdoctoral fellow Hong sung tea is researching on 7 peptides among 11 candidates of haptamer peptides which interact with TCTP.
But because the program period is limited, we chose only 2 peptides out of 7 at present.
In vitro interaction was confirmed, and then in vivo experiment will be conducted using yeast and drosophila.
Through this research, I have become familiar with planning and conducting experiment and I have also experienced experiments other than regular curriculum experiment.
I believe that these experiences will be very helpful to my performance in this internship.
5) 자원봉사에 대한 경험과 관심도, 기부, 리더쉽 활동에 대하여 서술하여라.
I had served as president of a service circle even before I entered college.
After I entered college, in order to share feelings directly with old people, I have worked for a welfare center for old people located in Jung District, Ulsan City, South Korea for 4 years.
I have learned how to live together, performing volunteer service such as friendly talking with single old people, supporting single old people’s life, providing jobs and delivering lunch boxes.
I began the volunteer service of mentoring students from deficient families, accepting the inducement of the welfare center chief.
At first, I hesitated to be a mentor for students because I was not sure whether I was eligible to do the job properly since a mentor should be able to lead and support mentee effectively showing a good example.
Though I felt some burden to share agony with the child, I decided to become a mentor with the thought that I can make a mentee have a dream for his or her future by telling my experience.
When I first visited Dongsu, he was a very reserved child, but with the efforts to talk on the phone, to exchange messages via cellular phones, to go to the movies together and to have meals together, now we frankly talk to each other about our problems.
I was pleased to share the love and experiences which I have received from the world.
I also realized that a mentor does not only give mentee his or her experience but also learn a lot from a mentee through conversation.
I have decided to share with my juniors my experiences which I will have in this internship as well as my school life in the future.
In addition, since June 2009, I have contributed a portion of my scholarship received from Kaist to the poor countries’ children.
We can afford to provide clean water, food and comfortable bed for the poor children with just one dollar a day.
Though I cannot donate a lot of money because I am just a poor student, I feel very happy in the thought that the one dollar I sent every day can save life.
I would like to help more children with the money which I will earn in the future.
It is just natural and common just like everyday life, not because I have more than enough time or money.
It is an easy consideration like adding one more spoon on the table for your poor neighbor instead of setting table newly.
While I was doing volunteering service, I was very impressed by the people who don’t have sufficient wealth but are willing to help those in needs by sharing what little they have.
I also found the beauty of life in their warm heart.
That’s because sharing does not come from sufficiency but from consideration for others.
The warm heart defends the helper himself as well as the receiver.
I usually make general plans when I perform any projects.
The followings are the contents, periods and participating members of the project, club study and study group which I have led successfully.
General Bioengineering class project about biofuel, 3 months, 5 members
Korean Science History class project about casting of Emille Bell, 3 months, 9 members
Camera Circle, 1month, 13 members
Study group for English speaking, 2 months, 5 members
I have acquired the precious ability to lead independently, and so I strongly believe that these experiences will help to perform this internship successfully
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