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스텐포드대학교 박사(전자공학)학위 취득-제자 이종호군

강안개 이대희 2010. 9. 27. 15:11








자랑스런 제자 이종호군이 미국 스텐포드대학교 박사학위를

취득했다는 기쁜 소식과 함께 졸업식 사진을 보내왔네요...

My honorable pupil Lee, Jong-ho sent the photos of his graduation ceremony with the good news that he got the doctor's degree at Stanford University.


고등학생때 부터 영어를 가르쳤는데

I had taught him since he was a high school student.


학성고등학교를 수석으로 졸업했으며,

He graduated from Hakseong High School as the top student.


서울대학 전자공학부를 졸업하고

After he graduated from the Electronic Department of Seoul National University,


먼 길을 걸어 이제 박사학위 취득과

now he has acquired the doctor's degree, walking a long way.


프스트닥 과정까지 마치고

He has finished the postdoc process.


펜실베이니아 대학의 교수가 되었다니

He has become a professor of Pennsylvania of the U.S.A



Isn't he great?  I am very proud of him.

'나의 이야기' 카테고리의 다른 글

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