Speaking Test는 Academic Module과 General Module이 동일하다. Speaking Test는 약 10~15분간 소요되며 시험관과 응시자간의 일대일 인터뷰로 진행된다. Speaking 시험시 응시자는 신분증을 반드시 지참하여야 하며 모든 인터뷰 내용은 녹음이 된다.
Speaking Test는 3개의 파트로 구성되어 있으며 응시자가 하나의 특정 주제에 대하여 이야기를 진행해야 하므로 전반적으로 높은 영어 의사소통 진행 능력과 영어 실력이 요구된다.
Speaking Test의 평가기준은 응시자의 유창성, 주제와의 일치, 어휘력, 문법적 지식과 문법 사용의 정확성 그리고 발음이다.
Speaking Test의 구성
Part 1. Introduction and Interview(4~5분)
시험관은 응시자의 신분을 확인한 후 서로 간단한 자기 소개를 한다. 시험관은 응시자가 편안한 분위기로 인터뷰를 진행할 수 있도록 일상 생활, 가정, 관심사 등 익숙한 주제에 대한 간단한 대화가 진행된다.
● Part 1 준비방법
: 응시자는 자신과 가정, 가족, 직업 및 전공에 관한 주제에 관하여 이야기할 수 있도록 일상적인 주제에 관련된 영어회화를 잘 알아두도록 한다. 시험관이 물어볼 만한 주제에 관하여 미리 생각해 두는 것도 좋은 방법이다.시험관의 질문에 단순히 'Yes' 또는 'No'로 답하는 것은 반드시 피하도록 하고, 주제에 연관된 여러가지 다양한 아이디어를 제공하고 가능한 한 주제를 풍부하게 발전시킨다. 또한 필요하다면 주제를 뒷받침 해줄 수 있는 부연설명도 제공한다.
Part 2. Individual Long Turn(3~4분 - 1분간의 준비 시간 포함)
시험관은 응시자에게 특정한 주제가 있는 카드를 주고 응시자는 질문에 대답하기 전 1분 간의 준비 시간이 주어진다. 응시자는 특정 주제에 대하여 1~2분 정도 이야기를 진행해 나가야 하며 응시자의 이야기가 끝난 후 시험관은 1~2개 정도의 필요한 질문을 한다.
● Part 2 준비방법
: 어떤 한가지 주제에 관하여 1-2분 정도 이야기 하고 그 주제에 관한 아이디어를 생각나는대로 필기하는 연습을 하는 것이 좋다. 이때 지나치게 많이 필기하는 것을 피하고 준비시간으로 1분을 넘기지 않도록 한다.응시자는 1분 동안 주어진 주제에 관한 아이디어를 적고 1~2분 정도 이야기 할 수 있도록 시간 배정을 잘 한다. 잘 알고 있는 주제에 관하여 이야기하라, 타이머를 이용하고 너무 많이 적는 것을 피하기 위해 작은 종이를 이용하는 것이 좋다. 1분동안 생각을 적을 때에 한 두 단어 정도로 제한한다.
Part 3. Two-Way Discussion(4~5분)
시험관과 응시자는 Part 2의 주제와 관련하여 좀 더 추상적인 내용을 토론형식으로 진행해 나간다.
G-TELP Speaking Test 문제 유형 집중 분석
Part 1. Giving personal information
개인 신상 정보에 관한 표현 능력
Part 2. Describing a familiar setting/objects
특정 배경 또는 대상 묘사 능력
Part 3. Describing habitual activities
일상 생활 및 활동에 관한 표현 능력
Part 4. Narrating a story from pictures
주어진 그림을 이용한 이야기 전개 능력
Part 5. Expressing and supporting an opinion
특정 주제에 대한 자기 의견 표현 능력
Part 6. Giving autobiographical detail about a place/event
자기 체험에 대한 표현 능력
Part 7. Responding to requests for information about places of interest
특정 장소를 추천할 수 있는 능력
Part 8. Discussing advantages/disadvantages of two related objects
두 대상의 장. 단점 표현 능력
Part 9. Giving directions from a map
지도를 보고 길 안내에 관련된 표현능력
Part 10. Presenting a solution to a specific problem
두 사람 간의 의견 차이를 놓고 해결책을 제시할 수 있는 능력
Part 11. Presenting solutions to complex hypothetical problems
가상적으로 설정된 위기 상황 대처에 관련된 표현 능력
영어 회화수업 1 - Self Introduction
I have no other questions / about you / because you introduced yourself / in detail.
Hyundai Motor Company / has acquired / a very good image / because of / the famous figure skater / Kim Yeon-A.
I will introduce myself to you.
Let me introduce myself to you.
I was born in Gangwon Province, South Korea. bear낳다
I was born in 1959.
I graduated from Kangwon High School.
I graduated from Kangwon National University.
I majored in business administration.
I entered Hyundai Motor Company in 1984.
I got married in 1987.
I have three sons.
The oldest son is 21 years old.
He is attending Inha University.
He is majoring in electronic electrical engineering.
The second son is attending Ulsan High School.
What grader is your second son?
He is a second grader.
The youngest son is attending Okdong Elementary School.
Does your wife have a job?
Does your wife work, too?
No. She just takes good care of my family.
My hobbies are mountain climbing and listening to music.
How often do you go mountain climbing?
I go mountain climbing once a week.
There are 56,000 employees in our company.
HMC has about 56,000 employees.
There are 300 directors in HMC.
Wow! Your company is really big.
Our company is one of the biggest companies in Korea.
Mr. Lee, you said your hobby is mountain climbing.
Are there any famous mountains in your city?
Yes. There are many famous mountains near Ulsan City.
Mt. Munsu, Mt. Sinbul and Mt. Gaji are among them.
How many hours does it take to climb those mountains?
It depends. But it usually takes about 4 or 5 hours for me.
How many car models does your company produce?
There are 15 different car models which we are producing at present.
How many plants do you have in the whole world?
We have 12 plants in the world.
There are 7 in domestic area and 5 abroad.
Another new plant is under construction in Brazil.
How do you go to work every day?
I go to work by car.
How long does it take every day?
It takes 15 minutes.
What time do you get up?
I get up at 5 : 40.
2010년 4월 10일 회화 수업 자료1
1. What is your favorite dish?
2. Do you know how to cook the food?
3. Would you tell me what food you don't like?
4. What food is good for health?
5. Do you know any traditional food of another country?
6. Do you think English is one of the key factors in our country's development?
7. What do you think about making English an official language in our country?
8. Do you agree with the government's plan to teach English in elementary school?
2010년 4월 12일 회화 수업 자료2
1. Which season is your favorite?
2. Why do you like the season?
3. Do you have any special memory in the season?
4. Which season do you hate?
5. Why do you hate the season?
6. Have you ever experienced any insomnia before?
7. What time are you used to going to bed?
8. What do you think is the cause of insomnia?
9. Do you know any good remedies for it?
10. Is an insomnia relative to a nightmare?
11. Do you think dreams are totally opposite to realities?
회화 수업 자료3
1. What annoys you most these days? (짜증나는 일?)
2. Does smoking bother you?
3. What are some things you do that annoy your children?
4. What are some things you do that annoy your wife?
5. What are some things you do that annoy your friends?
6. Have you ever seen a celebrity in person?
7. What did you do at that time?
10. Which celebrity would you like to meet?
11. Why do you admire the celebrity?
12. What would you do if you could spend a day with this person?
13. What do you think of the paparazzi? (유명인사 쫓아다니는 사진기자)
회화 수업 자료4
1. Are young people generally more selfish than their parents?
2. Most counties give young people rights as they reach a certain age. For example, Canadians can drink, vote and drive a car when they are 19 years old. Does South Korea have similar laws? Do you think that any of the age limits need changing?
3. Many elderly people have disabilities which limit their mobility. Do buses, shops and public buildings in your country provide easy access for the disable or is your town designed mainly for the able-bodied? Why is this?
4. Should elderly people be expected to pay for residential care out of their own savings or should appropriate accommodations and nursing be provided by the tax payer? Explain your opinion.
5. What language is spoken the most in korea?
6. How many countries do you know that have more than one language?
7. Does korean have words that come from English?
8. Can you name the words?
회화 수업 자료5
1. At what age did you get married?
2. How old were your parents when they got married?
3. At what age do you want your children get married?
4. Do you want a big or a small wedding for your children?
5. At what age do most people in your country get married?
6. Do you enjoy meeting new people?
7. What are some things you shouldn't ask people you just met?
8. Are you nervous when you are introduced to someone new?
9. How many new people do you meet a week?
10. What are some good things to ask someone you have just met?
11.What do you do if you forget the name of someone you’ve just been introduced to?
회화 수업 자료6
1. About how much do you usually spend each day?
2. Do you enjoy shopping?
3. Do you ever buy "used things?"
4. Do you sometimes buy things that you don't need?
If so, give some examples.
5. Are you a price conscious shopper? Give some examples.
6. Are you saving money to buy something? If so, what are you planning to buy? How much will it cost?
7. Does your wife give you an allowance? How much? What do you use it for? How often does she give it to you?
8. How important is money to you? If you had no money, do you think you could still be happy?
9. What was the last thing you bought for yourself? Where did you buy it? Why did you buy it?
10. Do you think you spent your money wisely?
회화 수업 자료7
1. Does your name have a meaning?
If so, what does it mean?
2. Do you think names shape our personality? To what degree?
3. What do you think of people who name their children after months, seasons or days of the week?
4. Do you think it is okay to give pets human names? What is the most popular name for a dog in Korea?
5. Can you name some famous world leaders?
Famous composers?
Famous artists?
Some Western food?
Some famous companies?
6. Can you name the seven continents? How many U.S. state names do you know?
회화 수업 자료 8
1. How often do you eat out?
2. Where do you usually go when you eat out?
3. Who do you usually go with when you eat out?
4. Do you like western food? Japanese? Thai? Italian?
5. Do you ever eat greasy food? Salty? Sweet? Spicy?
6. Do you know how to order food in English?
7. Have you ever done so?
8. If so, was it easy to do so?
9. What did you order?
10. Would you send a dish back if it did not taste good?
11. What’s the worst experience you’ve ever had in a restaurant?
12. Do you like eating at buffets? Why or why not?
13. What kinds of restaurants would you like to see opened here in Okdong?
회화 수업 자료 9
1. Do you think English is a difficult language to learn?
2. Have you ever spoken English on the phone?
3. How often do you practice your English?
4. What is your favorite way to practice your English?
5. What is the most difficult thing about English?
6. Why are you learning English?
7. How long have you been learning English?
8. Will you continue studying English?
9. What do you think you will be able to do in English in the future? How would you use it?
10. Why do people in Korea want to learn English?
11. Would you like to learn any other languages?
12. What are other widely spoken languages in the world, other than English?
회화 수업 자료 10
1. Which hobbies are the most popular in Korea?
2. Have you ever done any of them?
3. Which one did you prefer?
4. Have you developed any new interests lately?
5. Which hobbies are the most popular with women in Korea? And with men?
6. Are there any hobbies you would like to try? Why? Why not? How do you know about them?
7.Are there any hobbies you can do in other countries, but not in Korea? What are they?
8. Are they expensive?
9. Do you have a wish right now?
10. What is it about?
11. Do you often wish for things?
12. What do they usually wish for?
회화 수업 자료 11
1. What are three wishes you have for your life?
2. If you could choose only one of these to come true, which would it be and why?
3. What would be some positive and negative consequences if each of these wishes comes true?
4. What other wishes do you have for yourself?
5. Have you ever had a wish come true? Was it what you always wanted?
6. If you could be a super hero, who would you be and why?
7. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be and why?
8. If you had only 24 hours to live, what would you do?
9. If the whole world were listening, what would you say?
10. If you bumped your car into another car, but nobody saw you do it, would you leave your name and address?
11. If you didn’t have enough money to get the bus home, what would you do?
회화 수업 자료 12
1. Do you prefer summer vacations or winter vacations?
2. What countries would you like to visit? Why?
3.What countries would you not like to visit? Why?
4.What is the most interesting city to visit in your country?
5.Where do you want to go this weekend?
6. Are you planning on going anywhere for your next vacation?
7. With whom are you going there?
8. How long will you stay?
11. Have you been there before?
12. Describe your best trip.
13. Describe your worst trip.
13. Have you ever been on an airplane?
14. What airlines have you flown with?
15. Do you have a fear of flying?
회화 수업 자료 13
1. Where are you from?
2. Where do you live?
3. What company do you work for?
4. What do you do?
5. Tell me about your company.
6. Tell me about a typical day at work.
7. Where do you usually eat lunch?
8. How often do you work late?
9. What do you usually do on weekends?
10. What's your office address and telephone?
11. Tell me three things you did last week.
12. What are you going to do next weekend?
13. Tell me about the history of your company.
14. Tell me about some things that happened in your company last year.
회화 수업 자료 14
1. What are you planning to do at work in the next month?
2. What kind of sport do you prefer and why?
3. Tell me about a business trip you have made (abroad or in your own country).
4. Give me directions from here to your company.
5. How do business people entertain clients in your country?
6. What kind of gifts would you give a business acquaintance or a friend?
7. What makes you happy?
8. What do you think is the color for happiness?
9. Are you a happy person?
10. What are some things that make you happy?
11. What are some things that make you sad?
12. What is happiness for you?
회화 수업 자료 15
1. Do you think that happiness lies within you? Or does it depend upon other people and external things?
2. Can money buy happiness? Why or why not?
3. Is happiness a state of mind? Give examples
4. What are the three most important things for you to be happy?
5. What is your favorite TV channel?
6. What is your favorite television program?
7. Do you think that children watch too much television?
8. Which do you prefer, game shows or talk shows?
9. How often do you watch TV?
10. Do you think that the invention of the TV has done more harm than good? If yes, why? If no, why not?
11. Would you say that the TV programs that are shown today are too violent?
12. Do you think the age restrictions on movies are too low?
회화 수업 자료 16
1. What English TV channels do you watch often? How do you think it has influenced you?
2. Do you think that children watch too much television?
3. How different would your life be if the TV didn’t exist?
4. How tall are you?
5. Where do you live, and how long have you lived there?
6. What’s your favorite film?
7. How many people live in your home?
8. What kind of music do you like?
9. Should people of between 55 and 60 be forced to retire to make way for younger workers? Explain the reasons for your answer.
10. In most countries women live an average of five to six years longer than men. Why do you think this is?
11. Many countries are facing the problem of an "aging population". What problems will this cause?
12. What can be done to prepare for this problem?
회화 수업 자료 17
1. Have you ever seen a traffic accident? What happened? Did anyone get hurt?
2. What kind of safety features in a car would help you if you had a traffic accident?
3. Do you think that cars are safe enough today? What would you add to cars to make them safer?
4. Why do you think there are so many traffic accidents these days, compared to in the past?
5. What can people do to reduce the number of traffic accidents?
6. Do you have a favorite TV commercial?
7. What is it selling?
8. What TV commercial do you hate? What is it about?
9. Have you ever bought something that was advertised on TV?
10. What makes an advertisement interesting?
11. Please tell me the influence that advertising has had on your life or the lives of your family.
회화 수업 자료 18
1. If you were asked to make a fair evaluation of your teachers, what criteria or standards would you use for the evaluation?
2. How has your attitude toward your home changed between the time you got married and now?
3. If your doctor told you that you had only a few months to live, how would you change your present way of life?
4. Please name someone you consider to be a modern hero or heroine and explain why you so classify the person.
5. Do college students benefit from participation in extracurricular activities?
6. Do you think too much emphasis is placed on grades in our educational system? Explain.
7. Each year, many teen-agers run away from home. What do you think are the chief causes?
8. Explain why you would or would not want to live in a large city.
9. What do you believe are the chief reasons for students' academic failure in college? Explain.
회화 수업 자료 19
1. Should every able-bodied citizen be required to serve for a certain period of time in some branch of the military service? Why or why not?
2. What do you believe are the chief reasons for students' academic failure in college? Explain.
3. How does your public image differ from your real self?
4. How has the automobile been harmful to our society?
5. How has the automobile been useful to our society?
6. Name two or three characteristics which you feel a person must possess to be considered "educated," and explain why you consider these traits essential.
7. If you were an employer, under what circumstances would you fire an employee? Explain.
8. Should sex education be taught in public schools? Why or why not?
9. "Television has made people watchers, not doers." Agree or disagree.
10. What are the essential characteristics of an effective leader? Discuss.
회화 수업 자료 20
1. Do you think that sports help develop good character?
2. Explain the chief reasons why students drop out of high school.
3. Should the United States pass gun control laws? Discuss.
4. Should the 80 kilo meters per hour speed limit be retained?
5. Should we legalize gambling to raise more revenue?
6. Should the sales tax be removed from groceries and other necessities?
7. Is romantic love a good basis for marriage? Discuss.
8. Should children be disciplined by physical punishment?
9. Discuss one cause for which you would be willing to risk your life.
10. Are spectator sports overemphasized in Korea today?
11. Is college a good place to find out who you really are?
12. Discuss the most important characteristics an elected official should have.
회화 수업 자료 21
1. Do you long for the past?
2. Do you look eagerly toward the future?
3. Which of the college courses that you have had do you consider to be the most beneficial?
4. Why do you think so?
5. Has credit buying affected your way of life?
6. What changes would occur in your way of life if you were forced to live in a cash economy?
7. Was giving eighteen-year-olds the right to vote a mistake? Discuss.
8. If, in your judgement, the leaders of this country are clearly wrong in adopting a particular policy, what should you do? Explain.
9. If you could have a conversation with a famous person (living or dead), whom would you choose and why?
10. Discuss some practical ways in which each of us can help to conserve natural resources.
11. What steps need to be taken in order to reduce crime?
회화 수업 자료 22
1. Do you believe that violence in television programs leads to violence in our society? Explain.
2. Explain your reasons for admiring a particular high school or college teacher.
3. How has the women's liberation movement affected relationships between men and women? Discuss.
4. Which do you think has a greater effect on a person, heredity or environment? Explain.
5. Do you vote whenever there is an election?
6. Explain the reason why you do or do not vote.
7. Discuss what could be done to increase the public's respect for police officers.
8. In your opinion, what invention or discovery has brought about the most far-reaching and lasting changes in our civilization? Explain.
9. Should government-owned wilderness areas be preserved? Discuss why or why not.
10. Should every college student be required to study history? Explain why or why not.
회화 수업 자료 23
1. Is it beneficial for a high school graduate to work full-time for a year before entering college? Why or why not?
2. Should the government subsidize our Olympic teams? Why or why not?
3. If you had the power to change any event in history (outcome of an election, who won a war, etc.), which would you choose to change, and why?
4. What characteristics do you regard as important in a person you would choose as a friend?
5. Should both parents assume equal responsibility in child rearing? Explain why or why not.
6. What vice do you find most offensive?
7. How great a role do you think "knowing the right people" plays in getting ahead in school or in work?
8. What are the essential characteristics of a good parent?
9. Should court proceedings be televised? Explain why.
10. Is there any job that you would absolutely refuse to take? Explain.
회화 수업 자료 24
1. Should government employees such as police officers and fire fighters have the right to strike? Discuss.
2. What advice would you give to an entering freshman?
3. Should prostitution be legalized? Discuss.
4. Which courses that you did not take in high school do you now wish you had taken? Why?
5. Research indicates that young people are likely to have fewer children than their parents. Explain the reason.
6. What makes one college course more enjoyable than another? Explain.
7. Should smoking in public places be illegal?
8. Do you think it is agreeable that professional athletes and entertainers are the highest paid people in Korea?
9. What are the characteristics of a good college student?
10. Should college students have complete freedom to choose their own courses?
11. If you were to be deprived of one of your five senses, which one would you most hate to give up? Explain.
회화 수업 자료 25
1. Would you prefer to rear a family in the city or the country? Explain why.
2. In general, do movies or television provide a realistic picture of life in Korea? Explain.
3. How should public high schools deal with students considered to be constant trouble-makers? Discuss.
4. Should the military draft be reinstated? Discuss.
5. Some states in America now permit single men and women to adopt children. Do you favor such a policy?
6. Should college students be required to attend classes?
7. For what qualities or achievements would you feel justified in calling an individual successful? Explain.
8. Discuss some of the status symbols of today's society.
9. Should people on welfare be forced to work?
10. Why do you believe radio has continued to be popular in the age of television? Discuss.
11. Should all college courses be specifically related to one's future occupation? Explain why or why not.
회화 수업 자료 26
1. Is there too much government regulation in our lives?
2. Many families today grow home vegetable gardens. Discuss some reasons for this.
3. How can a course in government, political science, or civics help students to become better citizens? Explain.
4. To what do you attribute the recent decline in literacy?
5. What do you think are the major causes of divorce?
6. Choose a profession whose members make a worthwhile contribution to society and discuss the benefits that society receives from members of this profession.
7. How can we increase the public's respect for elected officials?
8. What are the reasons so many people have pets?
9. Apart from physical age, what are some major differences between an adolescent and an adult? Explain.
10. Do you prefer shopping at a large shopping center or at downtown stores? Discuss.
11. Should women in the military conduct combat duties?
회화 수업 자료 27
1. It is only recently that doctors have begun to advertise. Attack or defend this practice.
2. "The current generation is lazy and lacks discipline." Defend or attack this statement.
3. Discuss what you like or do not like about Japan.
4. What do you think are the major effects of divorce upon children? Discuss.
5. If you were the programming director of a major television network, what changes would you make? Explain.
6. If you could live in some other historical period, which would you choose, and why?
7. Should fathers be given the same chance as mothers to gain custody of their minor children? Discuss.
8. We now have more people over 65 than at any other time. What are the major effects of this increased proportion of older people? Discuss.
9. Should victims of crime be compensated? Explain.
10. Do you function best in the morning, afternoon, or evening? Explain.
회화 수업 자료 28
1. What do you think are the major effects of divorce upon children? Discuss.
2. It has been proposed that Korean presidents can be elected for twice four-year terms and not be eligible for reelection. Do you agree with this proposal? Discuss.
3. Why did you choose the present career?
4. Do you favor increased spending for national defense?
5. Should Korea severely restrict the import of foreign cars for sale in Korea? Discuss.
6. "In spite of advances in scientific knowledge, people are still superstitious." Agree or disagree.
7. Should cheating be grounds for dismissal from college?
8. Watching the "soaps" has become a Korean pastime. Why are these television shows so popular?
9. Which is most useful to a college student - a scooter, a car, or a bicycle? Explain.
10. In Korea, as a rule, are the punishments imposed appropriate to the crimes committed? Explain.
회화 수업 자료 29
1. Why do some couples choose to live together without getting married? Explain.
2. Would you like to be a candidate for public office?
3. Do college students benefit from having to earn at least part of their tuition? Discuss.
4. If music reflects the mood of an age, what does current music say about America? Explain.
5. Are Americans too dependent on the automobile?
6. What are the characteristics of an effective television newscaster? Explain.
7. Why are so many people over the age of twenty-one enrolling in college? Discuss.
8. Discuss changes which would make the public less hesitant to report crime.
9. Do Americans seem unable to relax in their leisure time? Discuss.
10. "Human rights" is a term frequently used but seldom defined. What rights should belong to every human being?
회화 수업 자료 30
1. Should Korean students be required to learn a second foreign language in addition to English? Why or why not?
2. Do you support public television (the educational channels) either as viewers or contributors?
3. Are elementary and high schools adequately meeting the needs of their students? Discuss.
4. How do you account for the popularity of horror films?
5. In what ways has the availability of fast food restaurants affected your eating habits?
6. Because of the high cost of gasoline, many people use transportation other than the automobile. In your opinion, what other types of transportation are most feasible?
7. What do you hope to accomplish next year? Explain.
8. Should college students be required to take physical education courses? Why or why not?
9. It has been said that "Evil, like good, has its own heroes." Name some characters of "evil heroes." Explain.
10. If you could ban anything in the world, what would it be and why?
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