
외국 대학 탐방

강안개 이대희 2010. 1. 29. 14:44


 호주 타즈매니아 호바트 공립학교에서 1학년생과 함께...

With the 1st grade students at Hobart Public Elementary School, Tasmania, Australia








 호바트 홈스테이 존의 100년 가까이 된 자동차 관리 잘해서 외관 깨끗하고 잘 달리더군요...^^

The host, John's car which is nearly 100 years old, was clean with good care and running smoothly...^^









 Canada Rocky Mountains which are beautifully covered with snow.







                The beautiful harbor of Vancouver, Canada taken by myself.









 The square in front of Colombia University, New York, NY, United States of America










                        Wearing packsack in front of beautiful grass in UC Berkeley Campus










         At the beautiful main gate of UCLA, prestigious university in the west of America








                      Wearing packsack in front of Stanford University, one of world bests






























































캐나다 토론토대학교에서 외고 교장단과 함께...




'여행' 카테고리의 다른 글

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호주 영어연수  (0) 2010.01.28