영어자료, 영시

삼일절 영시 English Poem --- First Day of March 11

강안개 이대희 2019. 3. 2. 07:30


On the First Day of March

--Memorizing Hurrah Independence Movement 11


Written by D.H. Lee


It was one hundred years ago

That our grandfathers and grandmothers

Were suffering from losing their country

Under the harsh government of Japan.


It was not just educated people

That were determined to retrieve

The lost country and the lost sovereignty

But countless people and young students.


It was not just in the several places

That the independence movement inflamed

But in almost all market places and streets.

Can you hear and feel the roaring shouting for freedom from the past, one hundred years ago?


It was the most important memorial day

That we Koreans should be reminded of

The sublime sacrifice of our ancestors

The painful lesson from bloody history.

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